Home » Masonry Insurance
April 17, 2023
Dorsal Insurance

Masonry Insurance

Mason Insurance

Mason insurance is coverage customized to meet the needs of masons and brick layers. Choosing the right masonry insurance for your business is vital, as it protects against risks your business faces on a daily basis.

Luckily, getting coverage is easy with the Dorsal Insurance. We’ll connect you with a provider that can design a policy to meet your business’s specific needs.

How much does masonry insurance cost?

The cost of masonry insurance is determined by a variety of factors, from business size, location and number of employees. For example, a masonry contractor who works as a sole proprietor will have a different business insurance cost than a brick laying business with five masons on staff.

Basic masonry business insurance coverage:

Commercial Auto

Commercial auto insurance is an essential mason insurance coverage, as most personal auto insurance policies don’t cover vehicles being used for a business purpose. We insure a variety of commerical vehicles common to masons.

General Liability

General liability insurance protects against third-party damages and injuries. For example, while visiting your shop, a client slips and is injured. General liability could help cover their injury.

Other masonry insurance you might need:

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ comp protects your employees should they become injured or ill while at work.

Call Dorsal Insurance today for a quote (786) 601-2485

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